LWBJ: Elevating Our Impact

LWBJ: Elevating Our Impact

Our impact defines our contribution to the world via our work, businesses, community involvement and our families.

We all have different ways to look at the world so it is fascinating to see the diverse ways we all impact the lives of people around us.

And for those in that second half of life, how exciting it is to know that your contribution can still be major in any area of your life. Your legacy can be more impactful than you could ever have imagined.

Additionally, we are definitely "doing business" differently. It is refreshing to see how we can be successful on a personal level and also create transformative change in the lives of others. We are navigating new waters. I firmly believe we are becoming more aware of how powerful our impact could be if we expanded our scope and reach, in terms of our own progress, career, business and life.

I would love to hear from you. Do you feel you have made or are making an impact? And how? What are you passionate about? What are your strengths? What would you like to do?

It is important that we communicate our ideas, progress, outcomes and contributions to inspire each other to step up our games. It is also important to receive feedback so we can adjust our initiatives, if needed, and prioritize accordingly.

Taking a bit of time to think of what those real priorities are for us and schedule our time accordingly, is what really would move us forward. This week, in my youtube channel. I speak about My Top 3 Tips for Time Management. I hope these simple techniques aid you to be more time efficient so you can free up time to share your gifts with the communities you impact.   I will continue to send messages that will hopefully be inspirational and thought-provoking for you. I invite you to subscribe and give me your feedback.

Stay healthy, joyful and connected,