
Influencer or Leader?

We have a choice... We can be simply an Influencer or... a true Leader. We can be simply "famous" or we can inspire and lead to be the BEST. The Best professional, the Best partner, the Best business person, the Best example, the Best parent, the Best friend... The Best HUMAN.

LWBJ: Who really is part of your Team?

If you know me well, you know I highly value working in teams.  Assembling, managing and especially inspiring them to succeed has been one of my strengths and passions.

However, here I refer to teams, as those individuals around us, that support and enhance everything we do, many times without acknowledgement or recognition.  It could be a supporting co-worker, employee, spouse, friend, neighbor and the list goes on.  What do we really do alone?   Or better yet...  Who packs your parachute?

Recognizing the work of the people that help us do what we do is key.  It can increase job and life satisfaction for all involved.  It could also create or grow the feeling of belonging to a common or greater cause.

More importantly, when we make the effort to become aware of the many “helpers” we have in life, gratitude feels our hearts and we might make changes, or adjust our business and life strategies as a result.

And yes, awareness  is a "muscle" we work, which ties to this week's video in my YouTube channelBe Aware of Your Thoughts.   So many important things happen that escape our attention and our thoughts are no different.  Thoughts ARE also part of your TEAM.   

I will continue to send messages that will hopefully be inspirational and thought-provoking for you.  I invite you to subscribe to be notified of my weekly videos.

Stay healthy, joyful and connected.